What makes us different?

As a small business owner, I am often asked what it is that makes us different? It's a simple response - our team! We have always strived to hire the best people we can, we chose the employee route vs. independent contractors for a very specific reason, quality! Our mission has been to ensure the guests experience at the highest customer service level possible. This has been a significant challenge through the years beginning in year 2000 when we opened. There were no spa professionals in town. We hired and trained people from scratch which was very expensive and time consuming, however, we demanded quality, professionalism, a servants heart, and a family oriented team spirit. It's fair to say we've had our share of employee turnover, but I will say not compromising our integrity and mission through the years, has served us well.

It's never easy to let someone go or receive a two week notice, but again, our 13 year survival in a tough industry and economic times is the reward for bring steadfast and not compromising our values and core. For us, it's gotten better and better with every new hire. Our current team is exceptional in every way. The quality of persons both inside and outside the spa and their sincere ownership of their position on our team is what makes us so good. I tell my team they make me a better person everyday and I love them for that! They are the best!